It’s happened more times than we can count – a well-intentioned friend with a modicum of experience building the occasional website as a hobby has offered to help with your business’s website. A cousin who seems to post frequently on social media got voluntold to set up and monitor a business page for your company. Or perhaps the neighbor kid has some sketching skills and offered to design a clever logo.
They may be sincere in their hopes for your success, but friends don’t necessarily have the experience or qualifications to work on any of your marketing projects. Besides, they have their own jobs and pursuits, and the brutal truth is, they have their own priorities. Relying on friends for professional services ends up wasting time, money, and energy. The best route to take when you’re establishing your brand image, cultivating your customer base, and focusing on providing the best products or services available, is to get an expert in your corner dedicated to providing you with marketing knowledge and experience – someone qualified, who is all about prioritizing your business’s branding and marketing efforts.
Here are three reasons why a professional marketing team exists to help your business achieve its full potential.
Saving Time and Money
The most common reason businesses seek out help from a friend, a relative, or maybe a student starving for experience, is to save money. Maybe you’re just starting up your company and can’t fathom the concept of a marketing budget, so you opt for the “cheapest” possible route, be it a $500 website or, dare we say, a “free” site.
What you’ll quickly learn is that nothing is free in these scenarios. It’s true that time is money, and most of the time when you choose to rely on someone who says they’ll help you in their “free” time for a cheap price, your project will collect dust. Before you know it, it’s a year later and you’re still at square one with no website. This doesn’t even factor in the untold number of potential customers you missed out on reaching during that time.
A better spend of your valuable time and money would be getting your marketing done right the first time so that you can start seeing results and growing your business.
Brand Integrity
How your brand is presented to the world – your look and feel, what it is you offer, what sets you apart from the competition, and ultimately why anyone would choose your business over your competitor’s – can be the tipping point between skyrocketing into successful growth or stagnating year after year (or even failing).
If your company doesn’t care that your free logo a pal threw together is blurry and only found in .jpeg format, why would anyone believe you’re going to give them the attention they deserve as a customer? When your own brand lacks much-needed T.L.C., it can leave consumers questioning your attention to detail in general.
Holding your brand to the highest level of integrity possible is what a good marketing company will do for you. At Stray Media Group, we like to say we’re the guardians of your brand, going that extra mile to make sure it is represented the way it should be – sometimes even more than you yourself may think is necessary. It’s what we do best, because we know that’s not necessarily what the typical business owner thinks to do and, therefore, why they need us most.
Professional Experience
Every business has its area of expertise. Some businesses are professional electricians; others are dentists; others are restaurants – the list goes on. We wouldn’t presume to know how to rewire an office building, straighten teeth, or prepare and serve meals for multiple tables, so it’s fair that businesses are focused on what they know rather than on what they don’t know. As the experts in our particular field, we are here to provide the marketing skills and strategies because our business is literally helping other businesses thrive.
Professional marketing experience and industry knowledge are invaluable to a company looking to grow their clientele and stay relevant in the process. Not only do marketers know what they’re doing from the get-go, but the industry is constantly changing and requires those professionals to stay on top of it. Add to that the many roles in a marketing agency, and there are simply more hats than one business owner realistically has time to wear.
Hiring a professional marketing team who always has your back is going to save you time, money, stress, and frustration. If your website has been down for months and your “webmaster” won’t return your calls, you don’t need that negativity in your life – get a teammate on your side to handle that stuff for you today, so you can focus on growing your customer base and revenue.