Just like consumers can’t possibly buy from every business, businesses can’t possibly capture every consumer’s attention. Instead of spending your money and resources trying to market to every consumer, you can define a demographic of people that are most likely to be interested in your company’s product or service. By...
Outbound vs. Inbound Marketing: What You Need to Know
Outbound Marketing and Inbound Marketing – what is the difference and when should you use them in your strategy?To start off, let’s think of outbound and inbound as the technical term for traditional and modern marketing tactics. Outbound and inbound marketing are both important, however, the difference between the two is how your brand’s message is often...
Is Your Marketing on Fleek?
Is your marketing capitalizing on a fad, following a trend, or a tried-and-true method giving your business a step up among competitors? The first thing to know is that fads happen overnight, trends happen over time, and tried-and-true methods help to solve a problem, making them staples in a sound...