As a business owner, you put a lot of effort and resources into developing your brand. You might have designed a great logo, developed a unique product or service, and created a website that showcases everything your company has to offer. But have you ever thought about the story that...
The Truth About the Magic of Inbound Marketing
In the marketing world, the term “inbound marketing” often comes up during strategic planning discussions. Those of us in the marketing industry know exactly what that entails (it’s kind of our job). If you’re a business owner simply trying to market your products or services, however, the jargon can be...
Target Audience: What It Is and How to Define Yours for Improved Marketing Results
Just like consumers can’t possibly buy from every business, businesses can’t possibly capture every consumer’s attention. Instead of spending your money and resources trying to market to every consumer, you can define a demographic of people that are most likely to be interested in your company’s product or service. By...